Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WTF Weds: Sherbet Colored Pyrite!

So I'm out gathering metals through mining in WoW, flapping around on my flying thing through all the new Catacylsm areas... and find myself mining Pyrite. Awesome! I will refrain from wondering why the substance commonly referred to as "fool's gold" has a higher level than actual gold in the game.... >.> .... and move right to the point.

Why the fuck is there ice cream in my mining bag?!?

I mean seriously...Why on Azeroth is Pyrite SHERBET colored?!?

 Now I'm hungry >.<

It's a metal. Not a crystal. It could be shiny and glittery... but more in a Tiger's eye way than anything else... I cannot tell you how many nights I ruminated about this trying to understand. Well, my duckies, I have concluded that this is why:

Once upon a time there was a mage who loved to flambe things. Innocent squirrels, friendly murlocs (who were only trying to say hello through all the salt water they were gurggling!).. and the occasional irrational being that wouldn't fork over whatever she needed to make someone happy... like five handfuls of oozing mucus from bubble blowing sand crawlers. (Fear the bubbles, PHEAR THEM!)  

Regardless, she flambe'd without mercy and without much discrimination and one day accidentally tried to flambe the wrong thing and got sucked into a vacuum to another dimension... with stripes. And polka dots. And maybe a fuzzy purple people eater or two. Maybe three. (Who had all been promptly flambe'd.) 

She lost count when she ran across a zebra whose stripes were unraveling which she found to be a very odd and unsettling sight. "Uhm, you seem to be unraveling...." she said. 

"You think?!?" the peevish and obviously irate zebra replied.  

"Have you tried...." she started to say before being cut off by the zebra who shouted, "DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE HANDS TO YOU?".... so she...blinked. And stared, a bit startled, before saying cautiously, "Well, obviously you don't, you are a zebra...." and began to wonder just what kind of warpyworld version of a dimension she was in.  

The zebra however, having expressed his frustration, calmed down and studied her… which made her feel rather uncomfortable. She began to wonder if he was carnivorous.  The zebra, however, had realized she was not from this dimension. He walked right up to her and got in her face and stared at her unblinking. 

Then, quite simply he said, "I demand a pencil. Yes, a pencil. A pencil is what I need," the zebra murmured while backing back out of her personal comfort zone and looking at her expectantly.
"Err...." she started to say before being cut off again.  "You will go to the forest of sticks and stones and do battle with the essays of StayedUpWayToLateToFInishThatOne and their minions, the distractor disco balls of sparkly destruction.  Their leader, Writers Block, has a pencil."  

The mage, finding all this... beyond ridiculous, closed her eyes, took a deep breathe, exhaled, and pinched herself as hard as she could. She was rather disappointed to find herself still staring at the zebra whens she opened her eyes again.  Begrudgingly, she asked what direction to head in.  The stressed out zebra of improbability scratched out a map with his hoof for her, and she memorized it and went off to retrieve the pencil.  

It was about halfway through the essays that she realized she could probably teleport herself back to her home.  However, being a mage of her word, followed through and got the pencil to help the zebra draw back his stripes and ended the escapade with a better understanding of why pyrite looks like rainbow sherbet in her mining bag.

... You didn't actually expect a logical answer, did you?

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