Thursday, March 8, 2012

Do you have the perfect job for this curious and creative loon?

I'm smart. I'm clever. I'm kinda funny. Yes, I mean it like that too. It's called personality.  I have tons of passion and a knack for organization. I'm creative, and I will be so happy to have a job where I can actually channel that creativity into creating something more than...  book lists. Don't get me wrong, book lists are great. All that data crunching and pattern finding and organizing... and the layouts and picking the fonts... but really. My soul yearns for MOAR. Actually, it's kinda screaming at this point... my apologies if it's hurting your ears.

I have a background in Anthropology (BA), and have been well trained to people watch. To understand behavior. To understand why people do what they do. What makes them tick. And to recognize those things in myself, as I cannot be totally impartial. To see a specific point, but also the complex system it is a part of, and how different facets drive things one way or another. It's the half of me that is totally fascinated by cognition, psychology and culture.That's the contemplative pondering half of my brain. The half that wonders why Bubble Guppies can swim in the desert. Or why Peter's Pirate Crew does nothing actually Pirate like. I will stop there. I don't want to get onto a rant of how pirates are going the way of faeries and being cute-sified.... Yes, I regret to inform you, the Ninjas are winning. But I digress.

I also have a background in Film & Digital Media (BA). I learned in high school how to do things the old school way - with analog editing machines, when the ability of computers to render a title sequence blew them up (my mother still hasn't forgiven me... though in my defense, I did try to warn her it would...) ... Netscape was better known as Mosaic (Ok, technically they were totally different but made by the same people)... and I was sure that film was the most awesome way to tell a story. So I went to college to study film, but found out they couldn't really teach me anything I didn't already know >.> So instead, my focus shifted to studying what was then, "new media." Early online communities, how people perceive iconography, art installations making a point about humanity and other such things. The anthropology came in handy then too.  Essentially I was studying how people interact and use technology. It was fun :)  Other than becoming a professor and having my own bizarre art installations, I didn't really see a future in it though, which admittedly, made me quite sad.

I know what your thinking. Your wondering what on earth that combination of skills could possibly be used for other than filming monkeys in Africa aren't you? How unimaginative of people. Nothing wrong with filming monkeys in Africa, and quite honestly, primate behavior is quite interesting, but not what I wanted to do. Nor did I have any desire to go to Hollywood. I mean really, I'm not stupid. An idiot (price of being a savant at some things... just wish they were useful things >.<) yes, but not stupid. I'm a woman, and even then there were like oh, 3 women who had made it to the top in Hollywood as directors, producers and the like. Yes, it's a bit more now, but then, the outlook wasn't too bright. Yeah, I could have gone the Indie route, but by the time I was graduating, the Indie scene was being swallowed up by Hollywood. So I went with my first love, books.

And the books led me to watching children surfing around on the internet, just fine, their entire hour of allotted time. Then coming up and asking me for a book on a dog. And I couldn't help but wonder, why the hell can they find things on the internet, but the electronic card catalog is too hard for them? Seriously?!? Why is that??? ... And I got my Masters degree and became a librarian. It's been fun, and I have enjoyed the educational  (oh yeah, I have a brief background in education as well) aspect of it all very much...  but the world has changed a great deal in the last 10 years. Being a librarian now is mostly about sitting at an Information desk and being abused by the public. (Alright, that isn't entirely true....>.> But ... not entirely a lie either >.>). Finding one of the rare book only jobs is hard, and honestly, while I -could- do it, It is just flat. There is no spark there.

Now games. Games, there is a spark. A bright sparkly "Ooooh SHINY!" kind of spark. A spark that has only gotten brighter and brighter as I realized that apparently, I got my double major in Anthropology and Film & Digital Media way ahead of it's time. But the time is now. NOW is when that skill set, and my creativity can be unleashed. Problem is, I have no idea where to direct it. I know I'd be awesome, but I have no idea how exactly. So, I'm asking you - Do you know of or have the perfect job for me? Cuz not only do I really WANT it, I kinda really need it. .

 I have awesome people skills, enough of a tech brain to grasp the concepts, and enough of the starving artist thing going to get where they are coming from too. I'd be a great catalyst. Or glue. I'm awesome at playing devil's advocate, problem solving and conjuring creative (albeit sometimes unorthodox) solutions... If I sound like I'm struggling to put into words why I'm so darned awesome, I am, because it's in a way that isn't really standard.  I really wish my skill set was something more concrete and easily describable. The best way to put it is this - My talents don't function on one end (as an artist) or the other (being a programmer) but somewhere in between in being able to translate between both creative forces with an awareness of the intended goal. Seriously. I couldn't draw to save my life or program myself out of a paper bag. Even so, I KNOW I have some use somewhere, but where???

What is the perfect job for this playful spirit with a good sense of humor that doesn't offend easily? Somewhere I can put all my overflowing craftiness (Crafty in the traditional glue stick and glitter way, the sewing a costume way,  creating tutorials and designing flyers way, cutting my cats hair to look like a poodle way… but more importantly, the how can I approach this situation and get through it without breaking the laws of physics kind of way. The thinking outside of the box kind of thinking (or sometimes, it’s just thinking inside the box but from a radically different perspective to see new possibilities).  You know what I mean. The kind that lets you get past a solo quest by kiting the mobs to a cliff an then using a spell to throw them off instead of fighting your way through them all like it was undoubtedly intended...) to work for the greater good of humanity... I know it exists! So I would appreciate your help in finding it <3

I'm all ears people.

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