Friday, November 4, 2011

Fashion Friday: It's a Party in your...Wait, Where ARE your pants?!?

Awhile back I was running through Panda when I ran across this festively dressed person. A little strange, but festive. Then as I was running past them, I did a double take.

They... were not wearing any pants. Which leaves me... puzzled. Long decorative boots. A very festive top but... apparently they blew the entire costume budget and they didn't have anything left for pants... or something.

Then I set out to write this post about this strange no pants wearing festivity goer - when I began to wonder... just... what... those... tentacles? are... that appear to becoming out of her... rear.  I thought maybe it was a weapon that was hung funny off her belt... but... she isn't wearing a belt... so....

-Figures she must be tired and hallucinating and goes hunting for the original screen captures-

- . . .  -

In any case, it might explain why she isn't wearing any pants.  >.>


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