Friday, September 23, 2011

Fashion Friday: QQF WOW....

So yes, I still peek into WOW as I have more than a few friends still playing. While I appreciate all the work that went into remaking the entirety of Azeroth after the great cataclysm... some part of me still feels it was too late. I loved the new areas and content, and especially the humor and easter eggs. The Octo-Hat is still my favorite quest EVER. I swear I put it on my head over and over and over and over and over and giggled maniacally with glee. It was also pretty awesome that I  could earn my very own tentacle porn staff with questing. Regardless, I am digressing. (As usual >.>) The point is I still try to pay a bit of attention to what is happening in the land of WOW.

Which brings me to the news that Blizzard just released the Tier 13 mage set.

It must be some sort of fashion faux pas to wear goggles over a cowl right? RIGHT???

What is the point? I don't understand. Their glow power would be useless unless in a pitch black environment, and even then it would be more like advertising yourself as Bait. And while I happen to enjoy doing that, I imagine most squishy clothies don't particularly fancy the idea. Even pulling them down to use would be cumbersome with the cowl... unless they are psychic vision goggles?

I can't even begin to fathom the useful, but I'm still stuck on the why.  I mean really. Rocket Lights? Glow Horns? Is it simply to confuse one's enemies?   -mind boggles-    .....  Keeping in touch with the mothership?   .....  -sighs and just gives up trying to understand-  ..... 

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