Alright, maybe not. But I can't tell you how disappointed I was to finally get into the game only to realize there is no way to invert the y-axis on my mouse. Seriously. I thought maybe I was missing something so I did a search. Only to find out that indeed, there is no option (as of currently) to invert the y-axis. -le sigh- Total bummer.
What I found most curious while investigating was the commentary by other players. Many people were begging for the option to invert the y-axis (granted, this is in a search looking for it - so maybe not actually that many people in the grand scheme of things) - and someone threw out a statistic that I found myself wondering if it has any basis - that only 10-15% of gamers prefer to have the y-axis inverted. Really? I'm utterly curious. No Really, I am. I suppose this would be a good time to put my librarian juju to use but uhm...
Majority rules, I guess. Though, given I've been playing MMO's for around 6 years now, I've never played a game that did not have the option to invert the y-axis. Which makes me wonder why it (once was?) a typical and standard thing in most games. The best argument I saw for having the option was that it was like asking a left handed person to get over it and just use their right hand already. Heh. For me, my brain demands the backwards logic of the inverted y-axis. My brain struggles to wrap itself around the (to me, illogical) movement of a non-inverted y-axis. I get so distracted and turned around and can't play well. But we shall see. I'm always up for a challenge.
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