Monday, August 29, 2011

Forsaken World Has Forsaken Me!

Alright, maybe not. But I can't tell you how disappointed I was to finally get into the game only to realize there is no way to invert the y-axis on my mouse. Seriously. I thought maybe I was missing something so I did a search. Only to find out that indeed, there is no option (as of currently) to invert the y-axis. -le sigh- Total bummer.

What I found most curious while investigating was the commentary by other players. Many people were begging for the option to invert the y-axis (granted, this is in a search looking for it - so maybe not actually that many people in the grand scheme of things) - and someone threw out a statistic that I found myself wondering if it has any basis - that only 10-15% of gamers prefer to have the y-axis inverted. Really? I'm utterly curious. No Really, I am. I suppose this would be a good time to put my librarian juju to use but uhm... statistics... *shrinks and hides under her desk* . The rest of it was commentary about people wanting y-axis inverters to stop whining and get over it already, to just play (or don't) and adjust. Because it is -just- that easy. Hmmm.... I see.

Majority rules, I guess. Though, given I've been playing MMO's for around 6 years now, I've never played a game that did not have the option to invert the y-axis. Which makes me wonder why it (once was?) a typical and standard thing in most games. The best argument I saw for having the option was that it was like asking a left handed person to get over it and just use their right hand already. Heh. For me, my brain demands the backwards logic of the inverted y-axis. My brain struggles to wrap itself around the (to me, illogical) movement of a non-inverted y-axis. I get so distracted and turned around and can't play well. But we shall see. I'm always up for a challenge.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fashion Friday: Holy Triangle of Targeting!

Talk about an easy target. A nice open triangle shape:


Monday, August 22, 2011

Who Invited the Squirrel?

I will admit it right here and now, I am a badge/achievement whore.

One of my favorite silly achievements was the Turkinator.

Ohhhh... wait....

That involved the mass slaying of the poor innocent turkeys didn't it? >.>

(I find myself suddenly becoming distracted thinking of all the innocent turkeys who had the great misfortune of having been magically altered to instantly turn into nice plump already cooked turkey roasts upon being smote.... by even the slightest of provocations...... Mmmm... Turkey....)

Ahem. Anyway, I had a Turkey army! MUAHAHAH!
Golems and Viking Wannabees: tremble before me and my herd of turkeys!

But wait, who invited the squirrel??

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Flying Fish of Aion

A Mermaid! Squee!

Alright, it's just a personal joy that I found a mermaid in Aion.

I guess she's floating out of the water by... Aether?!?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Apres Vous, My Mail Wearing Friend...

One of my favorite things to do with friends in MMO's are things that we shouldn't. Or rather, that I didn't actually expect us to live through. When I convinced my friend Kist to come along with me to slay Onyxia to get the badge before she was way too uber for me to ever even contemplate with her pending reinvention, I was in for some good times.

Now, I realize it's a bit odd, but I don't mind dying. A lot. I assume it stems out of my preference to play cloth wearing casters. I really figured we had no chance in Hades of pulling it off with just the two of us. I greatly underestimated Kist's UBERNESS.

Granted, the first go around, we got our tails whooped. However, I then respecced to have a more frosty demeanor and with a bit of strategy (not having actually read one before, and having tangoed with her for the first time that day) we went back and smote her scaly black hide. Buahahaha.