Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Three Favorite Things about Uldum

Ahhh, Uldum. For being a blechy desert, I found this to be one of my favorite zones. Honestly, the majority of my screen captures are from here for the blog. Come to think of it, maybe that's not a good thing >.>

Regardless, I am going to share with you some of my favorite things about Uldum:

3.  Armadillos. 

Ok, so sue me. It made me happy to see an Armadillo.  They don't have to worry about being road pizzas here, that's gotta be worth something, right?

2. The Quests!   

From the pun-ridden Fashionism quest, to the slightly more complex Nazi mockery (and the hilarious quest to restore Gobbles to his former glory gone wrong... we've covered this before, and I am a sick sick person, but there is just something awesome about flambe.. at least it wasn't my doing this time >.>) to of course all of the Dr. Jones quests and Brann's penchant for statues shooting lasers from their eyes.

 Dr. Jones father is a dwarf...  this explains so much!


Think about it. I never saw a female cat-thing anywhere.

I never saw children cat-things anywhere.

I looked, I really did. Nary a cat-thing other than male. 

So I did my homework, they were orginally Tol'vir, created by the Titans, and some succumbed to the curse of the flesh.... >.>... which really, only makes it worse, cuz ... welll.... >.>   (I hope I'm not ruining the surprise of Blizzards plan for a yaoi comic spinoff...)

And yeah, I guess the titans could have only made male cat-people... but the dwarves have males and females....  and it really doesn't help that my first thought running into the chained prince when I got to the zone was "Thundercats, Hoooo!".....

  Thundercats, HOOOOOOOOO!!!

I'm just going to battle this huge monster cat thing while you contemplate that...

 I've battled you five times, stop glitching and let me pass already!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fashion Friday: I do not think that word means what you think it means.... Forsaken World Vampire Edition

I will never forget my first time in WoW, when I had finally crafted my Black Mageweave leggings... only to find out that they had nothing "legging" like about them. >.<   They were the best gear at that particular time for me so I ran around like a person who forgot to put on normal clothing over her bedroom clothing. Needless to say, I take notice when things are named in a way that suggests that they might actually involve bits of cloth doing what their name implies... only to be perplexed when they very much do not.

Batwing Skirts (and disturbingly unnatural waistlines) aside, I am going to amuse myself with Forsaken World's Female Wampires for today...

You too can channel many sexual fantasies...

First up, the top of choice, Channeling Mail...  we first have a generic icon that gives hope one might have a fully covered top. I know, I know, but you can't blame me for hoping!  We see a top that, erm, well... I'm not entirely sure how it's holding in her tits, tbh... that seems to have fabric that is soft and relatively furry, and not so much anything resembling metal loops linked together to create armor. As for channeling, well, I'm sure it channels many things... but for me it's mostly multiple -headdesk-'s.

 ...but maybe you might want to consider channeling some more fabric?

Next up we have the Channeling Skirt. Lovely and voluminous, covering both legs in a truly skirt like way... and... uh... I am imagining things and need to get my eyes fixed. We actually have the barest wisp of a skirt that looks like a bit of Kleenex dangling from her... what might be a belt. (And as a vampire, I'm sure Kleenex are very utilitarian for wiping ones mouth...)  >.>   Right,  stockings that are thigh high, one of which attaches to aforementioned belt...  ...  ....  -.- ...  A skirt you say?...

 Or just, you know, not even try... >.>

And last, and certainly, the "least".... we have the Blood Drinker's Trousers... which are nothing trouser like. In fact, near as I can tell, she's just wearing underwear still. Did I forget to put the pants on? No... they are clearly in the proper slot...  Perhaps they are invisible trousers?  - sigh-  Underwear, and by that I mean panties, do not trousers make. Being as that trousers generally cover the legs and this particular pair does nothing of the sort...
